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Nabco notice of intention for demonstration on 10th June, 2022

Nabco notice of intention for demonstration on 10th June, 2022


Nabco trainees have officially issued a notice of intention to the government by addressing their 7 months arrears settlement since November 2021 and permanency promise which has been questionable.

Nabco trainees expressed their distrust in the incumbent government over unpaid arrears and permanency promise which was issued even before the 2020 general elections.

Nabco trainees over the past months have disclosed to the government through the media by proving how life has been unbearable whilst working without pay for 7 months but to no avail and fruitless.

They have eventually expressed officially to the government for their intention to massively embark on demonstration on 10th June 2022 if by then Government refuses to settle their due 7 months arrears and permanency promise.

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