According to him, he produces the machines on a large scale for wholesalers and retailers
Head inventor and owner of Sly Metals Works and Solutions, Sylvester Kwaw says he is the first person to have designed and built a fufu grinding machine in Ghana.
In an exclusive interview on SVTV Africa with DJ Nyaami, Sylvester indicated that he began building machines 15 years ago, adding that he creates machines for other purposes aside from fufu.
“I produce fufu machines, bread mixer, cassava grater, cassava peeler and others. I design and build them myself. The other ones on the market are different, mine works more efficiently,” he explained.
According to him, he produces the machines on a large scale for wholesalers and retailers as well.
“I started this fifteen years ago. I was the first to build something like this. Now everyone is creating the same,” he disclosed.
Kindly watch the full video below;
Source : Ghanaweb